Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Senate in the Afternoon

In the afternoon, we had a tour scheduled with John McCain's office. We took a subway system from the Russell building underway to the Capitol --I asked our tour guide, Brian, if it was for security or comfort, and he said definitely comfort as so many of our Senators are 'old and out of shape'. Anyway, there are not a whole lot of photos, as they are limited. We did get into the gallery of the Senate and saw Jon Kyl [Senator from Arizona] come in and talk about immigration. Well, we're still deciding what we're doing today.
Megan is getting homesick and missing 'her dogs'. A week is a long time to be away and keep her moving nonstop, I guess. And, yes, I know Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the HOUSE, but her office is right off the main rotunda, so I found it interesting that the power is both literally and figuratively in the center of things.

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